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As a kid, summer school got a bad rap.

As a manager, it's a chance to grow your impact!

Introducing the Summer Seminar Series for

Managers Motivated to Stay Sharp and Grow Their Skills

We all know it. Summer at work has a different rhythm than the rest of the year. Sure, there's no let-up in the need to generate great results, but vacations, outdoor activities, a few longer weekends, and some necessary beach reads are all part of the formula.

Notice what's not on that list. Professional development.

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Unfortunately, professional development often gets squeezed out of our calendars....

in the work and fun of summer. However, every manager committed to their craft knows that learning and growth don't take holidays. Sometimes we just have to find a way to make it work.

Here's a way to make professional development this summer much easier and, frankly, fun.

The Summer Seminar Series for Serious Managers with Art Petty

Stay sharp

Expand your skills

And... do it from the beach, the boat, the cabin, or a quiet, air-conditioned office

We meet five times for 90 minutes each, where I guide the discussion, introduce new ideas and approaches, and discuss how to bring them to life. And we focus on topics, approaches, and skills you can apply immediately to scale your impact!

All sessions are recorded in case your online connection is a little spotty during that river rafting or family roadtrip adventure.

As a bonus, each participant has a chance to connect with executive coach and manager-developer Art Petty in a 1x1 coaching call at a time that fits their busy schedule.

Did I mention that the program is budget-friendly? Just $197 per seat?

Here's How It Works:

We meet as a group 5x over the summer months for 90-minute working sessions.

Your preparation involves one or two light reads and some thought prompters that tie to our session content.

I introduce key topics/concepts, and we share experiences and ideas.

We break out into small groups at least once every session to allow you to compare thoughts, work on relevant cases and scenarios, and discuss how you might apply the ideas in your workplace,

You have unlimited e-mail access to Art during the program for questions.

Following the session, I send a recap and recommended ideas-to-actions suggestions along with the recording of the general session. (Breakouts are not recorded.)

Here's What We'll Cover in Our 5 Sessions:

How to strengthen your team's working environment in pursuit of high(er) performance. (Includes how to eliminate the drama-storms on your team.)

Strengthening as a guide and coach for helping your group problem-solve and innovate.

How to navigate the tough conversations that keep most managers awake at night. You'll sleep better, I guarantee it!

Why S.M.A.R.T. goals aren't so smart and how to use a S.L.I.M.M. format (for you and your team) to turbocharge engagement, learning, and impact.

What Executive Presence really is and how to measure and develop yours.

Added Bonus: An optional no-charge coaching call to help reinforce key concepts and explore how to tailor them for your work environment.

Five 90-minute sessions

(all sessions recorded in case you miss one)

6/20, 7/1, 7/18, 8/1, 8/15

Noon - 1:30 PM Central

$197 per seat

Questions: e-mail



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